Tuesday, March 23, 2010

North Springs Charter High School Performing Arts Department Presents "The Producers" by Mel Brooks

Saturday, March 20, 2010
NSPVA Friends: http://www.northspringshigh.com/

Amazing...hysterical...entertainment worth waiting for! Well, I may not be a critic, but as an avid Mel Brooks fan, I was very impressed by the talent at North Springs Charter High School and their production of "The Producers".

After shooting the headshots for the Performing Arts Department, the staff provided me with 2 tickets to see the performance. I'm not sure how long it takes to stage, choreograph, learn lines, practice and learn all the songs but it was such an awesome performance. Of course, camera in hand, I attended with my husband on Saturday for the matinee. No flash was allowed to keep the attention on the stage where it should be. I took about 400 shots, which I will donate to the Performing Arts Department to share with the talent. Enjoy!

The main characters were played by:
Adam Benz as Max Biaylstock
Brian Brandt as Leo Bloom
Chris Kaiser as Franz Liebkind
Spencer Showalter as Roger DeBris
Tommy Lennon as Carmen Gia
Mary Malloy as Ulla Inga Hansen Benson Yonsen Tallen-Hallen Svaden Swanson

The Orchestra provided the live music for the show...they were great!

You still have several opportunites this weekend to see this great performance. Click on the link above for more information!

Thanks again North Springs Charter High School Performing Arts Department!

Saturday, March 13, 2010

North Springs High School Theatre Department

Monday, March 8, 2010
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
North Springs High School, Sandy Springs, GA

Having been a long ago fan of any type of performing arts and visual arts, it was truly an honor when I was asked to come and shoot the headshots for the members of the theatre department at North Springs High School. NSHS is a magnet school with it's base in the arts. Immediately, due to my age of course, the old tv show and movie "Fame" came to mind. With dancing, acting, singing and all the talent in that type of environment, I jumped at this opportunity. I love being surrounded by other creative types. This was not the typical high school drama club, these are students who really want to live this life and surround themselves with staff and family who support that. What an amazing group of people, students, staff and parents.

In high school the only classes I cared about were filled with creative students and teachers. I excelled in classes like drama, oral interpretation, photography, drawing, anything artistic. This was my passion as well from early in my life. My teachers understood and supported me and I understood them. My junior year, one of my drawings went in to the Upstate Eight Art Exhibit. The only drawing from my school, a school with a graduating class of about 700. So you see, I was destined to always have art in my life. I just didn't realize it until later on in life. If you have a passion...fulfill it...you won't be sorry.

North Springs High School is putting on "The Producers" from March 19 through March 27. If you have never seen this hilarious Mel Brooks musical, come and see it now! There are eight shows including two matinees. Follow the link above for more info and for ticket information.

Support the arts!