Thursday, April 22, 2010

Senior Season is off and running!

I Love Referrals!

Monday, April 12, 2010
Old Mill Park, Roswell GA

Blake is a Senior in Canton. After shooting his Senior session with the photographer contracted by the school, his mom was not satisfied. As a rep for Bobby Brown who knows people, Marie knew the right photographer for Blake would have to be able to get him to open up and relax in front of the lens. Blake is quiet but comfortable with who he is...he just needed a photographer that could make him smile, maybe even laugh when his mom tried to get him to be serious for the camera. As with most Seniors, you have to find what makes them click. For Blake, it was definitely giving his mom a hard time!

We shot these images late in the day when the light is sweet and shadows are soft and contouring. After about 90 minutes of fun and exploring all the little nooks and crannies at Old Mill Park, we were satisfied.

Want just the right session for your Senior? Call to book your appointment for a personal touch guaranteed to get to the heart of your Senior. Early bird discounts apply until June 6, 2010. Sessions start at just $99!


Wednesday, April 7, 2010

I love designing custom albums!

April 7, 2010
Naylor Hall, Roswell

Martha and Steve were married in September of 2009 at historic Naylor Hall in Roswell. They each bring children into the marriage Brady Bunch style and the mix was magical. Martha's son escorted her down the aisle and gave the bride away. The ceremony was filled with the beautiful presence of all their children and after the ceremony, when they all gathered together it was one of the sweetest sights I have ever seen!

The reception was fun and filled with family and friends. The toast was given by Martha's son and brought tears to many eyes. On the dance floor the families truly united as the new siblings danced and celebrated together.

Weddings are all about love...between the new couples as well as between families joining together in celebration and growing more lives together.

Here are the pages for Martha and Steve's album which were just approved for printing Tuesday evening. They loved them and will be receiving the album right before they leave for their long awaited honeymoon in Italy this summer!

As with all my custom designed albums, it was specially designed with the style preferred by the Bride and Groom. They have opportunites to choose the images that go in the album and final approval on the design. After all, it was their day and they deserve to remember it in a way that is truly their style!

Call us and see how we can create an album that reflects your style!